The Registrar is responsible for maintaining student records, issuing transcripts, and verifying enrollment and degrees. The Registrar also manages the registration process for students, including course selection and scheduling. In addition, the Registrar provides information about academic policies and procedures to students, faculty, and staff.

Registrar Job Responsibilities

  • Keeps records of students' academic progress and accomplishments
  • Enters new student data and updates existing records
  • Processes requests for transcripts and other documents
  • Issues diplomas to graduates
  • Manages scheduling of classes
  • Oversees the registration process


  • To ensure the accuracy and completeness of student records
  • To develop and implement policies and procedures related to student records
  • To oversee the maintenance of student academic files
  • To monitor compliance with state and federal laws and regulations pertaining to student records
  • To provide leadership in the development and implementation of new technologies for managing student records

Registrar Job Skills & Qualifications Needed

  • There are no specific skills or qualifications needed for the role of registrar. However, it is important that registrars have excellent communication and organisational skills, as they will be responsible for liaising with a range of different people on a daily basis. They should also have good administrative skills and be able to work efficiently under pressure.