The Peer Support Specialist will provide support and guidance to clients with mental health issues. They will collaborate with the treatment team to develop individualized treatment plans and provide support in group settings. The Peer Support Specialist will also work to increase awareness of mental health issues and advocate for clients' rights.

Peer Support Specialist Job Responsibilities

  • Provide support to individuals who are experiencing mental health issues
  • Offer guidance and advice on how to cope with mental health issues
  • Facilitate group discussion and support sessions
  • Help connect individuals with resources and services in the community
  • Educate others about mental health issues and reduce stigma around seeking help
  • Advocate for individual’s rights and needs


  • To provide support and assistance to individuals with mental health issues
  • To help individuals develop coping and problem-solving skills
  • To provide guidance and encouragement to individuals in recovery
  • To promote positive mental health and wellness
  • To advocate for the rights of individuals with mental health issues
  • To educate others about mental health issues

Peer Support Specialist Job Skills & Qualifications Needed

  • The skills and qualifications needed for the role of Peer Support Specialist vary depending on the specific position and organization. However, most peer support specialist positions require at least a high school diploma or equivalent, although some organizations may prefer or require candidates to have a bachelor's degree. In addition, most peer support specialists must complete specialized training in order to be certified in their state or territory. Some states also have additional requirements, such as passing an exam or completing continuing education credits.