The Moderator is responsible for ensuring the discussion in a forum or chat room stays on topic and respectful. They keep the conversation moving by keeping users engaged and responding to questions. The Moderator also moderates user-generated content to ensure it meets the standards of the site.

Moderator Job Responsibilities

  • Keep the discussion on topic and within the bounds of the site's rules.
  • Encourage constructive discussion and debate while discouraging personal attacks or inflammatory language.
  • Help new users get oriented to the site and its community norms.
  • Serve as a liaison between users and site staff, bringing user concerns to the attention of staff when necessary.
  • Use their best judgement to keep the discussion flowing smoothly and fairly.


  • To keep discussion on the forum organized and flowing smoothly.
  • To keep the conversations respectful and civil.
  • To help new members feel welcome and comfortable participating in discussion.
  • To answer questions posed by members, and provide helpful advice when needed.
  • To monitor the content of the forum to ensure that it is appropriate for all audiences.

Moderator Job Skills & Qualifications Needed

  • The skills and qualifications needed for the role of moderator vary depending on the context in which the role is being performed. However, some common skills and qualifications that are often required or desired in moderators include:
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • The ability to mediate disputes and facilitate discussion
  • The ability to maintain impartiality and objectivity
  • The ability to stay calm under pressure
  • Good organizational skills
  • Patience and diplomacy