A certified diabetes educator is a healthcare professional who helps people with diabetes manage their condition. They work with patients to develop a treatment plan and teach them how to monitor their blood sugar levels, take medication, and make lifestyle changes to improve their health. Certified diabetes educators also provide support and guidance to family members and caregivers.

Certified Diabetes Educator Job Responsibilities

  • Teach patients how to manage their diabetes through diet, exercise, and medication
  • Help patients set goals and make lifestyle changes to improve their health
  • Monitor patients' progress and provide support
  • collaborate with other healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive care
  • Keep up to date on the latest diabetes research and treatments


  • To provide patients with the knowledge and skills necessary to manage their diabetes effectively.
  • To promote patient selfcare through education and support.
  • To empower patients to take an active role in their own diabetes management.
  • To teach patients how to monitor their blood sugar levels properly and make necessary lifestyle changes to maintain good glycemic control.
  • To help patients understand the importance of taking their medications as prescribed and monitoring for adverse effects.
  • To provide emotional support to patients dealing with the challenges of living with diabetes.

Certified Diabetes Educator Job Skills & Qualifications Needed

  • There is no formal education requirement for the role of a certified diabetes educator, but most educators have at least a bachelor's degree in nursing, dietetics, or another healthrelated field. In addition, educators must complete a diabetes education program and pass an exam to earn their certification.