Designs and oversees the construction of roads, bridges, tunnels, water supply and treatment systems, sewage treatment plants, airports, dams, and other large infrastructure projects. May also specialize in environmental or geotechnical engineering.

Engineer Job Responsibilities

  • Design and oversee the construction of engineering projects such as bridges, roads, and buildings
  • Plan and develop new designs for products or processes
  • Develop prototypes of new products or processes
  • Test the performance of prototypes under various conditions
  • Analyze data from tests to refine prototypes or recommend changes to the design
  • Write reports detailing the findings of prototype testing and make recommendations for changes to the design
  • Present findings and recommendations to clients, management, or others


  • Design and oversee the construction of various engineering projects
  • Develop new and innovative ways to improve existing engineering designs
  • Use computer simulations and models to test the viability of potential engineering designs
  • Analyze data from tests and experiments to inform the design process
  • Prepare reports and presentations detailing the results of your work

Engineer Job Skills & Qualifications Needed

  • The skills and qualifications needed for the role of engineer vary depending on the specific field of engineering. However, most engineers will need at least a bachelor's degree in engineering from an accredited institution. Many engineers also choose to pursue advanced degrees, such as a master's or doctorate, which can lead to higher salaries and more job opportunities. In addition to formal education, many engineers also gain experience through internships or coop programs.